Oral sources in initial teacher training for the study of the historical memory of Francoism and the transition





Teaching history, oral sources, recently history, democratic memory, initial training of teachers


In the initial training of teachers for the Degree of Teacher in Primary Education, it is important to know and analyze the main processes in the history of the present time of Spain, understood as the chronological arc that includes Francoism and the transition to democracy. A period that connects with current problems, but that is barely outlined in generic ideas about institutional, political, economic and social processes.

The objectives of the paper focus on assessing the validity of oral sources in the teaching and learning of History. The method carried out is the collection of significant data related to the Francoism period and the transition from the testimonies of interviews with the students' relatives, which generates a large documentary corpus with great didactic potential, although loaded with subjectivity. The analysis of the information collected allows us to establish the relationship between historical processes and understand their complexity from the analysis of multicausality.

The results show the need to use the parameters of democratic memory and how oral sources in the classroom can help in the knowledge and understanding of its concepts. It is notable how in critical reflection the students point out their awareness of the conflictive processes that occurred in Spain's recent past and experienced first-hand by family members from different geographical origins. The evaluation of the proposal will make it possible to advance the teaching of recent history in the initial training of teachers based on relevant issues, comparing possible permanences and changes, and supported by the reflective analysis of democratic values.


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How to Cite

Ortega Cervigón, J. I. (2024). Oral sources in initial teacher training for the study of the historical memory of Francoism and the transition. REIDICS. Revista De Investigación En Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, 14, 67-80. https://doi.org/10.17398/2531-0968.14.04

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