On the teaching of the democratic past in Spain. Students, polarisation and social media





History teaching; democratic memory; social media; polarization; Spain


The aim of this text is to reflect on the teaching of democratic memory in Spain, focusing on history students, and encourage a debate on how to work on this important subject in the classroom to build and strengthen democracy. To achieve this, three different aspects are dealt with. Firstly, the analysis of the new legislation on democratic memory shows the opposing views on the republican period and the Civil War that have been observed in the parliamentary procedure of this law. Secondly, it connects the process of political polarisation observed in Spain, as well as the relevance of these contradictory visions of the past in it, with the students’ previous conceptions in order to understand their reception in the teaching of history. This polarised context, as it is proposed, should be considered as an influential element in young people’s attitudes towards history. Thirdly, based on the importance of social networks today, these reflections are complemented by the study on the interpretation of the Paracuellos shootings in Madrid in the autumn of 1936, which appeared on the social network Twitter/X. The aim is to show what kind of discourses on the Spanish history young people may be receiving.


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How to Cite

Delgado, A. (2024). On the teaching of the democratic past in Spain. Students, polarisation and social media. REIDICS. Revista De Investigación En Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, 14, 102-118. https://doi.org/10.17398/2531-0968.14.06

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