Initial training of primary school teachers in citizenship education. Case studies in Latin America


  • Martha Cecilia Gutiérrez Giraldo Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Carolina Franco Ossa Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira
  • Jackeline Arredondo Conde Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira



citizenship education, initial teacher training, democratic culture, national citizenship, generalist teaching staff


This article identifies, analyzes and interprets what happens with citizenship education in the initial training of generalist teachers, in university programs in Latin America. The methodological strategy is the documentary analysis of the citizenship education curriculum in three academic programs in Chile, Argentina and Colombia, which train primary school teachers and who agree to participate voluntarily in the study.

The results identify that the purposes and objectives of the programs for the initial training of generalist teachers focus on global citizenship. In the study plans, the contents planned for teaching the area are few and focused on theoretical concepts related to national citizenship, which do not favor the development of critical thinking or the political training of teachers, which are essential aspects to train students future teachers and transformative intellectuals (Giroux, 2006).

The analysis concludes that general teachers are not being trained to educate primary school boys and girls as critical and democratic citizens. Academic programs have the challenge of proposing problematizing curricula, in which future teachers acquire the professional skills to analyze and understand the complexity and interdisciplinarity of social knowledge and, to guide the area of ​​citizenship in primary education in the construction of democratic culture and social justice.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Giraldo, M. C., Franco Ossa, C., & Arredondo Conde, J. (2024). Initial training of primary school teachers in citizenship education. Case studies in Latin America. REIDICS. Revista De Investigación En Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, 15, 11-25.

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