Analysis of students' citizenship actions when studying the Chilean civil military dictatorship




difficult history; high school students; Chilean civil military dictatorship; citizenship education; democracy; human rights


Various measurements on the civic values of young Chileans have shown their inclination to justify dictatorships in the case of offering order, security or economic benefits, in addition to the validation of violence to resolve conflicts. Considering this background, the purpose of this article is to analyze the citizenship actions that students develop in the present and project in the future to protect democracy and human rights during the study of the Chilean dictatorship, based on a wide variety of historical documents. This is an exploratory qualitative research that analyzes, from the methodology of content analysis, 70 answers developed by 35 students belonging to two high school classes of a private school in Santiago, Chile. The results show that the students consider themselves in the present and project themselves in the future as active citizens committed to democracy and human rights. Thus, actions such as valuing the vote, listening to those who think differently, staying informed, participating in demonstrations, respecting others and learning from the past are the most relevant for the participants. In spite of the above, the responses of the young people also show that they avoid conflict and understand their exercise of citizenship as part of their individual personal development, in addition to showing little knowledge about institutions, civil organizations and the multiple forms of political action that people can develop.


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How to Cite

Soto Yonhson, A., & Jiménez, M. S. (2024). Analysis of students’ citizenship actions when studying the Chilean civil military dictatorship. REIDICS. Revista De Investigación En Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, 14, 48-66.

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