How to promote Digital critical literacy through historical narratives? Case study


  • María Alejandra Rojas a:1:{s:5:"es_ES";s:34:"Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona";}
  • Neus González-Monfort Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona



digital critical literacy, critical thinking, social media, historical narratives, social studies teaching


This article presents some of the results of a research in secondary schools in Chile. The project investigates strategies to promote critical digital literacy among students, using brief comments with historical content, following the format of social networks. The research is of a qualitative nature and is located in the disciplinary area of ​​the didactics of social sciences. The results presented in this article correspond to a case composed of 40 students, aged 15 to 16. The materials created work on four axes typical of critical literacy: the distinction between facts and opinions, the identification of silences and exclusions in the arguments, the work around the evidence and the reliability of the sources and, finally, the recognition of the intentionality in speeches. The results show the initial conditions of the students and the improvements produced in most of the axes of critical literacy. The particularities of the results for each skill are also analyzed.


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How to Cite

Rojas, M. A., & González-Monfort, N. (2023). How to promote Digital critical literacy through historical narratives? Case study. REIDICS. Revista De Investigación En Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, 12, 198-217.

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