Panorama of French-speaking studies on current socio-environmental issues, from a didactic perspective




didactic, eco-citizenship education, education for sustainable development, socio environmental issues, socially acute questions


We offer an overview of French-speaking studies on the theme of socially acute (SAQ) from a didactic perspective. The analysis grid that we propose is developed in terms of management of the process of producing school knowledge and training. It would allow a specific analysis of "hyper-lively" socio-environmental issues with a view to sustainable development (particularly in the current period of crisis, risk and uncertainty). These proposals are part of a transformative-critical citizen perspective, shared by many French-speaking authors who work within the international theme of SAQ. The objective of the all education and training on these issues is no longer just the enrichment of knowledge, but a complex set of knowledge, practices and values ​​that the learner co-constructs with a critical distance to a civic commitment chosen and assumed. And the objective of this article is to present the evolution of the topic of QSV based on an overview of French-speaking studies and by placing this work in a transformative-critical perspective and to propose an analysis grid. First, we will situate the context and history of socio-environmental issues of sustainable development (SD) and then we will present the evolution of the theme of “socially acute or hyper-acute questions” (SAQ-SAhQ) for education and training , before proposing a specific analysis grid of the QSV training process on socio-environmental issues of SD that we will illustrate at last on sustainable development objectives concerning “the fight against global warming” (SDG 13) and “the preservation of biodiversity ”(SDGs 14 and 15).




Legardez, A., Jeziorski, A., & Cadet-Mieze, M. (2021). Panorama of French-speaking studies on current socio-environmental issues, from a didactic perspective. REIDICS. Revista De Investigación En Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, 9, 59-78.

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