Education for democratic citizenship: from initial teacher training to classroom practices in Portugal


  • Alfredo Gomes Dias olitécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa
  • Maria João Barroso Hortas olitécnico de Lisboa, Escola Superior de Educação, Lisboa



Educational practices; competences for a democratic culture; critical citizenship; initial teacher training; didactics of social sciences.


Teacher training, at Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, has since 2020 included a curricular unit in the master's degree in Teaching in the 1st cycle and Portuguese and History and Geography of Portugal in the 2nd cycle, which aims to develop Competences for Democratic Culture (CDC).

Taking as a reference the 20 CDC (Council of Europe, 2017), the training component in the field of Didactics of ​​Social Sciences (DSS) was reformulated, introducing changes in the curricular unit Society, Culture and Territory. These changes have produced visible results in supervised teaching practices (6-12 years old).

This article focuses on critical reflection on the teaching and learning strategies experienced in initial training, within the scope of DSS, mobilized in the practices with students aged 6 to 12. The objectives are: (1) to recognize the effects of the strategies implemented in initial training in the field of CDC; (2) analyse the skills developed by elementary school students and reflect on the practices for the development of these skills; (3) analyse the CDC valued in students' practices and the results of their pedagogical-didactic projects.

Methodologically, a documentary analysis is carried out that frames the CCD in initial teacher training and a content analysis of the twelve final master's reports (2021 to 2023), which focus on a pedagogical-didactic intervention and research on development of CDC (strategies, activities and evaluation indicators).

The first result points to the recognition of the role of DSS in initial training within the scope of CDC: through content and training methodologies, SS facilitate practices aimed at building critical and democratic citizenship. Secondly, the impact of projects implemented in elementary school classes is highlighted, with the purpose of promoting CDC: evidence of the relevance in guiding future teaching practice towards training children and young people to read, interpret critically and intervene in the social reality in which they are inserted.


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How to Cite

Gomes Dias, A. ., & Barroso Hortas, M. J. (2024). Education for democratic citizenship: from initial teacher training to classroom practices in Portugal. REIDICS. Revista De Investigación En Didáctica De Las Ciencias Sociales, 15, 62-78.

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