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Author Guidelines

Standards for authorship

The text sent for peer review must not contain the name of the author or authors, or any other call sign data (address workplace, organization or institution, e-mail; etc.). In the case of being the author cited in the text, his or her name will be replaced by the expression "Author" and the year by expression "Year". In the notes or bibliographical references to footnotes, proceed in the same way, substituting the reference by the expression: "author (year). TITLE". The name of the author or authors should also be deleted in the texts of "Properties" of the document processor (Menu file> properties).

Articles may be written in Spanish or English. The Editorial Board will assess other works in Portuguese, French and Italian; provided that there are at that time external reviewers and competent in the specific language and in Didactics of Social Sciences. In these cases the authors should provide the title, abstract and key words in the original language and also in English.

When the article has been evaluated positively, after the title of the article it must be indicate the following data (remember that they should not appear in the original sending for review peer):

  • Author/s full name
  • Organism or institution where they work.
  • Authors’ e-mail.
  • ORCID identification.



The articles must have a minimum of 7,000 and a maximum of 8,000 words, including title, abstract, key words and references. The bibliographic reviews will have a maximum length of 1000 words. They will be sent in Open Office, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect format.



El text will be 2.5 at the top and bottom margins; and 3 to the left and right (already preset in Microsoft Word). The line spacing of 1.5 and paging in the right lower edge with Arabic numerals, starting on the third page of the work, excluding the former. Font is Times New Roman, size 12 for the text and 10 for abstract, keywords and annotations.


The title will have 15 words maximum and will be in lower case, bold, size 14 and centered. The title must be in Spanish and English. The sections and subsections will be presented in bold, size font 12 and lowercase. Numbering will follow the following sequence:

  1. / 2. / 2.2. /2.2.1 / / ...

The article must be preceded by an abstract in two languages (Spanish and English), with a minimum of 200 and a maximum of 250 words. The abstract will be in keeping with IMMRAD format (introduction, methodology, results and conclusions or discussion). Innovative and relevant aspects of the work must be emphasized.

It shall include, at least, five key words in Spanish and English, separated by a comma and lowercase from the first one. For the selection of these keywords is to use the UNESCO Thesaurus.



It is advisable that the article provides at least the following aspects: approach to the problem or issue subject of study, background and theoretical foundation, design and methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, limitations of the study and, where appropriate, prospective.


Illustrations, maps, diagrams, charts, tables, etc.

These should be numbered consecutively in Roman numerals, depending on the type (illustrations, maps, diagrams, charts, tables...), and will be inserted in the right place within the body of the text, preceded by a clear and concise title. The source of origin of the handled data must be indicated. The body of the table, as well as the title and the source, will be in font size 10.

They will be presented in a format that is not image, except in the case of images, maps or charts, in order to facilitate subsequent amendments, if required, in the process of page layout.


Bibliographic references

Articles must be written in accordance with APA 7th Edition. The citations in the text will appear with the last name of author, and the year of publication (both between parentheses and separated by a comma). If the surname is part of the narrative, only the year will be in parentheses.

See the following examples, incorporating the DOI in the journals:

Book: Ávila-Ruiz, Rosa María; Rivero-Gracia, María Pilar y Domínguez-Sanz, Pedro Luis. (2010). Metodología de investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Institución Fernando el Católico y AUPDCS.

Book chapter: Avery, Patricia. (2010). Investigación sobre la enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales y la educación del profesorado. En R. M. Ávila-Ruiz, M. P. Rivero-Gracia y P. L. Domínguez-Sanz (Coords.), Metodología de investigación en Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales (pp. 337-355). Institución Fernando el Católico y AUPDCS.

Jorunal article: Fontal-Merillas, Olaia. (2007). El patrimonio cultural del entorno próximo: un diseño de sensibilización para secundaria. Enseñanza de las Ciencias Sociales. Revista de Investigación, 6, 31-47.

Electronic Document: Valverde-Berrocoso, Javier. (2013). El acceso abierto al conocimiento científico. Universidad de Barcelona. Recuperado a partir de

When several authors are cited, they will be separated with a comma, the last one with "and". If there are two authors, both of them will be always cited. When the work is more than two and less than six authors, all will be cited the first time, but in the following quotes it will be only the first surname followed of "et al."

In any case, the reference in the bibliographic listing must be complete. To identify works of the same author or authors, of the same date, the letters a, b, c, are added to the year, until where it is necessary, repeating the year. The surnames of authors should be lowercase. When cited several references within the same parentheses, they are sorted by year of publication from the most recent to the oldest.

Quotes. Quotations of two lines or shorter (40 words), can be incorporated in the text using single quotes to indicate them. Longer quotations are separated from the text by a space on each side and tabulated from the left margin; in this case there is no need to use quotes. In both cases the number of quotation page must be indicated. The punctuation, writing and order, should correspond exactly to the original text. Any changes made by the author should be clearly indicated (e.g. some words in italics to highlight them). When some material is omitted, it will be signaled by a parenthesis (...) The material inserted by the author to clarify the quote should be put between square brackets [...] The source of a quote should be cited completely, eg. author, year and page number in the text, in addition to a complete reference in the bibliography.


en los últimos años está aumentando el interés por el estudio de las nuevas tecnologías en Educación Infantil” (Mateos, 2001, p. 214).

All quotes that have DOI (Digital Object IdentifierSystem) must be always included in the references.

All references cited in the text should be ordered alphabetically at the end of the article, in the references heading. It should not include bibliography which has not been cited in the text.

For other guidelines of style not contained in this document, as for example those relating to graphics, tables, references to special documents (newspapers, CD, personal interviews, etc.,) we refer to the Publication Manual of the APA (American Psychological Association; 6th Edition), which are REIDICS reference standards.


Page of the journal 

The submission is done after registering as Author and logging. Next, the author will go to the top PERSONAL ACCOUNT, new submission and will follow the 5 steps that appear, introducing the metadata of the article in the following manner (in some computers, when loading the file, confirm the step or move from one step to another, the application seems to be blocked. Go back and see that charge is right or data are recorded, go to the next step and so on):

STEP 1. Section of the journal. You must select the section of the journal where the work is aimed: article, review.

All the elements of the "check list of submission" will be marked.

Add comments to the editor, if it is the case.

STEP 2. Load the submission.

STEP 3. Enter the metadata.  Write your personal data; in biography, at least position, department, institution, and what you want. In the section of the title will be in the following manner:

Title: title of the article in Spanish / title of the article in English

In the abstract:


Abstract text (between 200 and 250 words).


In the key words: keyword1; keyword2; keyword3; keyword4; keyword5.

In references, provide the same list of bibliographical references contained in the submitted article and with the same format. Separate each reference with a blank line.

STEP 4. Upload supporting files, if this is the case.

 STEP 5. Confirmation.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.